A La Mode Photographic Boutique | (04)210-7776 | artists@lamode.co.nz | 191 Plateau Road Te Marua

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Normality Is Optional

At Infocus this year I was sitting with one of my dear friends, Lisa Crandell, who was telling me a story about her  daughter Jasmine who won a special award at Star Jam.  She was so excited that as Lisa tells the story she ran down the isle almost plowing over one of her teachers doing "Rainbows" with her arms in shear joy.  Lisa wasn't at the awards dinner this year but I took great pleasure in telling her about my Jasmine Rainbow moment when they called out my name for receiving my Master of Photography.  It was a lark, I hail maryed my 10 best images and to my shock 9 of them picked up national awards and got me my Masters in one year instead of 4.  I was so excited that I couldn't contain myself and when the moment came for me to have a serious photograph...you know the official one that is preserved for forever in archives and stuff.  The above was the result.  Yes me so excited I stuck my tongue out and assumed my shit eating grin response...Joy could not be contained and manifested as my tongue.   The audience cracked up laughing, as I am sure I would have too.  So anyway this is my official record of my Masters.  I love it.  Couldn't be a more perfect photograph of a more perfect moment.  Mike (the poor chap shaking my hand) you better watch out next year if I manage to get a gold and my fellow I am going to run up jump up wrap my legs around you and plant a big fat one on your forehead....I shouldn't say that as he is a judge and fearing for his life he might out of shear survival instinct mark me down :).


  1. Love the photo and many congratulations!!

  2. Thanks it was one of those awesome moments in life. Very happy.
